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Long-tailed Macaque Facts (1).png

Why are Long Tail Macques endangered?

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Population threats

The Long-Tailed Macaque experiences severe threats to its environment. Less than 2500 remain in the wild. They are taken from national parks & other protected areas. Macaques are also frequent victims of habitat loss and alteration and therefore, roadkill, with over 20 individuals reported in a year (2020 ACRES records).


Testing and Trade

They're brought to breeding facilities after being taken from the wild and are most prominently used for laboratory research specifically biomedical & toxicology. They are the most heavily traded primate

and not legally protected in Indonesia, making it technically “not illegal” to keep them as pets or kill them for being pests. Infants are openly sold in wildlife markets in horrible conditions.



Long Tail Macaques are also found in Indonesia performing tricks as “circus animals” for their captors. They experience cruelty and physical abuse throughout their training period.

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