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Long-tailed Macaque Facts (5).png

Most reported information about the trade of long-tailed macaques refers to the illicit trade of the animal. However, with the right permits, it can be legal to trade long-tailed macaques. Most of these animals end up dying whether it be while they are being raised, in transport, or during scientific testing. The scientific testing is often for toxic chemicals. From 2008 and 2019, 450,000 live long-tailed macaques were exported from Asia and Mauritius for research and testing uses.

There is also a gray area where the trade is legal but the conditions that the macaques are in are cruel. Additionally, the trade within countries where macaques are caught in the wild is often unregulated and so it is hard to fully track or understand the magnitude of the legal trade. Macaques are highly intelligent creatures that suffer when confined in cages. 

A research study in 2015 concluded that tests on monkeys do not provide strong evidence of the probability that a lack of side effects in animals will mean a lack of side effects in humans. 

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